Bouquet Of Love


This "Bouquet of Love" is perfect for creating a romantic and cozy atmosphere, making it an ideal gift for Valentine's Day or any special occasion. This bouquet is a replica of flowers in a vase. This delightful bundle includes: 


3 Roses: Made of three wax melts shaped like roses, each with a wick in the middle, releasing the enchanting fragrance of honeysuckle jasmine when burned.

Small Candle Bear: An adorable bear-shaped candle with the sweet and floral fragrance of sweet pea, adding a touch of whimsy to the set.

Wax Melt Chocolate Bar: A wax melt shaped like a chocolate bar, emitting the rich and indulgent scent of chocolate.

Valentine Decor: Lovely decorations that enhance the romantic theme of the bundle.

Vase Filled with Heart-Shaped Rhinestones and Hershey Kisses: A charming vase filled with sparkling heart-shaped rhinestones and delicious Hershey Kisses, adding a sweet and decorative touch